As I start to type this, we’re just mere minutes away from the start of the WWE Survivor Series pre-show, so I figured, what better time than to get my predictions officially onto the interwebs! I couldn’t really provide a pick for the pre-show five-on-five survivor series match up because the participants were announced as the match was starting, so let’s just do the main matches.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyler Breeze
Who do I want to win?
“The Gorgeous One” will take on “The Showoff” in what should be a well-worked match. I also really like the characters that these two portray. I think the WWE needs to build new stars, and Dolph Ziggler seems to be just under that proverbial glass ceiling, so I think Breeze should go over, but in a way that keeps this feud going. I think these guys are capable of having show-stealing type matches if they’re given the time to do it. That being said, I’m kind of over the whole Dolph fighting with someone over a woman angle they’ve been doing with him over the past, oh I dunno, five or six years?
Who do I think will win?
I think WWE will agree with me here. Despite that he’s one of the hardest working guys in the company, and one of the most talented as well, the WWE brass clearly don’t see Ziggler as a top guy, or he would have been a long time ago. Breeze Wins, and wins clean, but the feud continues with some post-match shenanigans.
WWE Championship Semifinal: Alberto Del Rio vs. Roman Reigns
Who do I want to win?
In my heart of hearts, I don’t want Roman Reigns to win the World Wrestling Federation championship. However, I don’t want Alberto del Rio winning this match at all, because I’m not sold on this Mexamerica thing just yet. I would like Reigns to win this match.
Who do I think will win?
I think Reigns goes over, and without much of a challenge. Although I do wonder if we’ll get a new member of the Mexamerica faction…
WWE Championship Semifinal: Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose
Who do I want to win?
Kevin Owens. There’s nothing like a fat guy brawler as world champion, and I think Owens should go over on Ambrose. However, there will definitely have to be some shenanigans involved in order for this to happen, like Reigns accidentally costing Ambrose the match in an attempt to help him win.
Who do I think will win?
I’m not sure the WWE has it in them to not do the Reigns vs. Ambrose final, so I think Ambrose wins this one.
Brothers of Destruction vs. The Wyatt Family
Who do I want to win?
Ideally, I’d like the Wyatts to win, which would keep the feud going for a possible future match at a big show. However, I think the WWE has turned this angle into a total joke. Also, the Wyatts have shown nothing so far during this feud. I still want the Wyatts to go over though. They need a win somewhere, or their characters will cease to matter.
Who do I think will win?
I think the WWE grabs the shovel and keeps burying the Wyatts, unless Kane turns on the Undertaker.
Paige vs Charlotte
Who do I want to win?
The first time I ever saw star quality in Charlotte was the other day on RAW when the controversial storyline involving her real-life deceased brother happened. Everyone got up in arms about it, but I thought it was just good TV. That being said, I’m not sure I entirely buy Paige as a star either. I guess I want Charlotte to win, but only because she has experience against my girl Sasha Banks.
Who do I think will win?
I think Paige goes over here, setting up a nice rematch for next month. The WWE seems to really believe in Charlotte, and maybe she’ll prove me wrong and be a star.
World Heavyweight Championship Final: Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose
Who do I want to win?
If you’ve been reading, you know that the guy I want to win the title tonight isn’t in this match, but I have to stay true to my official predictions, so I have to pick between these two guys. I’m not sure who I actually want to win here. What I do know, however, is that I want the winner to turn heel. You can’t have two good guys fighting each other without one of them pulling out one stop too many to get the win clean.
Who do I think will win?
I think WWE finally gives Roman Reigns his.. ahem.. Reign at the top of the mountain. They’ve been trying to push him to the top for a couple of years now, and tonight he finally gets there. Hopefully as a heel.

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